Directed by Mark S. Hoebee Choreography: Parker Esse
with Jason Flamos Scenery: Michael Yeargen & Kelly Tighe Costumes: Leon Dobkowski Sound: Sun Hee Kil
Photos: Jeremy Daniel & Evan Zimmerman
"The Creative Team has done a great job of bringing Fiddler on the Roof to the stage. The show shines bright with its authentic touches."
Broadway World
"The scenic designs of Kelly James Tighe, based on the originals by Michael Yeargan and lit by Charlie Morrison and Jason Flamos, create a unified landscape of wood and earth tones."
Out in Jersey
"Charlie Morrison’s lighting gives us lovely sunrises and blue skies that belie the dark clouds on the horizon."
NJ Arts Maven
"Lighting by Charlie Morrison and Jason Flamos capture the bleak struggles of 1905 in Russia."